All modules are equipped with an optional 10 or 15 µm step-index single-mode fiber input, that can easily be spliced to a seed source. The gain medium is our industry-leading DC-200/40-PZ-Yb fiber providing the largest single mode MFD in the industry.
The gain fiber is heatsunk to the aluminum base-plate that can be clamped to e.g. a water chilled plate or an air-cooled heat sink. The output end of the module is equipped with a large AR coated endcap that provides mode expansion and reduces reflections. Excess pump light is effectively removed by the integrated residual pump dump.
The high pointing stability and low nonlinearity enable a really flexible and versatile laser architecture where the same aeroGAIN-BASE module can be used for amplification of fs-, ps- and ns pulses, with high-frequency conversion efficiency whenever needed.
For optimal performance, the aeroGAIN-BASE modules are designed for counter-propagating pumping through the output end-cap. The end-cap and the last part of the gain fiber are mounted in a water-cooled housing (aeroGAIN-BASE-1.1 and 1.2) to ensure maximum performance and lifetime.