Coesfeld VST/ HDT Standard System Series

Heat Distortion Temperature (HDT) and VICAT Softening temperature (VST) are quantitative measures of resistance of plastic to high temperature exposition. Heat Distortion Temperature, is a measure of a polymer’s resistance to alteration under a given load at an elevated temperature. VICAT softening temperature or Vicat hardness is the determination of the softening point for materials that have no definite melting point, such as plastics. Due to viscoelastic characteristics of plastics, it is not possible to define strict limits for maximal temperatures.
This device is available in Basic 3 / Standard 3 and Standard 6 models.
Compatible with standards: ASTM D648, ISO 75, DIN 53461, BSI 2782 Met 121 C, NT T 51-005, UNE 5307, ASTM D1525, ISO 306, DIN 53460, BSI 2782 Met 120 C, NT T 51-021, UNE 53118.
– Automatic weight application via motorized lift
– Free and intuitive Win-Software (LIMS-Ready)
– Large bath opening for easy service and cleaning access
– Integrated oil-fume exhaust