SetaCool-16 (94160-0) allows laboratory compliance to EU 517/2014 regulation to help protect the environment
Traditional Cloud and Pour Point testing requires large, cold cabinets containing fluorinated greenhouse gases or flammable hydrocarbon refrigerants and liquid baths. The emission of fluorinated greenhouse gases has a substantial negative impact on climate change. EU 517/2014 was introduced to protect the environment by reducing emissions; it regulates and limits the amount of hydrocarbon refrigerants that can be used.
The SetaCool-16 is the latest generation; multi station instrument for testing Cloud and Pour Point. SetaCool uses solid block cooling with helium based Stirling Coolers; this well established cooling system offers a safer and environmentally friendly alternative to testing. With zero global warming potential, it is a positive solution for laboratory compliance to EU 517/2014, helping to protect the environment.