Spectroscopy Application Challenge 2024

ARA Spectron’s Spectroscopy Application Challenge for year 2024 has officially started. We, here in ARA Spectron, are seeking to help scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and develop new applications that improve the quality of human life. The subject of this challenge is showing the power of modular spectroscopy supplied by ARA Spectron / manufactured by Ocean Insight and how it can enable scientists to explore a wealth of information with the relatively simple measurement of how light interacts with a sample.

Researchers from GCC countries can participate for a chance to win 10,000.00 AED.

Submit an abstract of your spectroscopy research with a photo or video of your application for a chance to win 10,000.00 AED in cash, up to October 15th. In addition, ARA Spectron collaborates with researchers to discover, refine and deliver new approaches to solving their problems with spectral technologies. The researchers can benefit from free technical support of our spectroscopy application/product manager team for this challenge up to the winner announcement time on October 30th and for their other requests anytime.

Please note that by submitting your application, you agree to permit ARA Spectron to generate publicity relating to the application and/or award including press releases and case studies.

You can also see our Last-Year’s Winners from Khalifa University, King Abdulaziz University and University of Sharjah along with their researches here.

Send your abstract and photo/video of your application to spectroscopy@ara.ae now.

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